Managing Classroom Behaviors: A Reflective Case-Based Approach
Managing Classroom Behavior is written for elementary, middle, and high school teachers, both general and special educators, who are currently in training or already teaching in the classroom. Based entirely on empirical research and richly illustrated with numerous examples on how behavior is managed in the classroom, this popular case book is widely used in the education community. Giving its readers a real-world look at the subject, it provides the opportunity for teachers to practice applying principles of behavior management through the analysis of actual case studies, self-questioning, and reflection. All case studies are included–in full– in Part II of the text and portray teachers’ actual experiences and opportunity for application by the reader. Widely diverse, the cases depict general and special educator, and describe students ranging from primary grades to high school. There are also multicultural cases and a discussion of multicultural issues. This updated edition features a new chapter on planning for the school year and managing the physical environment; a new special feature which makes direct and explicit links between chapters in Part I and specific cases in Part II; revised and updated case studies, with the inclusion of all case descriptions now in the text; reorganized inclusion of APA references and the APA Style Guide; and all chapters have gone through a thorough revision process.