Essentials of Modern Research Methods in Health, Physical Education and Recreation
I. INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS. 1. Introduction to Research. 2. Ethics in Human Subject Research. II. RESEARCH WRITING. 3. Getting Started: Information Retrieval. 4. The Research Proposal. 5. Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. 6. The Art of Research Writing. III. STATISTICS. 7. Beginning Statistical Concepts. 8. Central Tendency, Variability, and the Normal Curve. 9. Probability and Hypothesis Testing. 10. Relationships and Prediction. 11. Comparing Mean Scores. 12. Selected Non-Parametric Tests. IV. MEASUREMENT AND RESEARCH DESIGN. 13. Measurement and Data Collection Concepts. 14. Experimental Validity and Control. 15. Experimental Research and Designs. 16. Non-Experimental Research. V. QUALITY CONTROL AND APPLICATION OF RESEARCH. 17. Quality Control in Research. 18. Assessment and Application of Research.