Pearson Education's Review for the AP* Computer Science A and AB Exams (3rd Edition)
Key Message: Pearson Education’s Review for the AP Computer Science Exam in Java covers everything you need to know to get the score you want. It is written by a former AP Exam writer and is developed to help you take advantage of her experience. Key Topics: This test prep guide will help you: Understand how to approach the GridWorld case study, a required part of the AP Computer Science A and AB curricula; Review the most current AP Java topics (for both the A and AB exams) tested on the exam in a clear and concise manner; Practice with six sample exams - three for the A and three for the AB exam; Develop sound test-taking strategies with this book’s detailed review of Java, hundreds of practice questions, test taking tips, and AP-style grading guide. Key Market: Used in the classroom or as a self-study guide, this is an ideal resource for those taking the AP Computer Science exam in Java.