Juvenile Justice In America (REVEL)
An in-depth look at juvenile justice lets students see into the minds of delinquents, victims, and field professionals.
Juvenile Justice in America provides an in-depth look at the lives of juveniles, their experiences in society, and the consequences of those experiences. The text carefully examines the structures, procedures, policies, and problems of American juvenile justice agencies. The Eighth Edition places further emphasis on delinquency prevention, and features a new chapter on juvenile offender populations to give readers a more comprehensive view of delinquents. Boxed features in every chapter highlight the practical realities of working in the juvenile justice system. The careful balance of theory, evidence-based findings, and practical applications gives readers the most up-to-date insight into the state of juvenile justice in America today.
Juvenile Justice in America, 8/e is also available via REVEL™, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Learn more.