Prentice Hall Reference Guide, Books a la Carte Edition Plus MyLab Writing with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (9th Edition)
"For first year composition courses.""Prentice Hall Reference Guide," Ninth Edition, is a tabbed, spiral-bound handbook is written to help all writers, including students who may not know proper terminology, quickly find the information they need.Teaching and Learning Experience This text will provide a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students. It provides: - A series of "portals" in Tab 1, through which students can quickly find the answers to their writing, research, and grammar-related questions: Helps students at all levels of learning locate the help they need. - Tried and true advice at every stage of the writing process from instructors who have over 30 years of combined experience working with students: The text is written to students and speaks to them using language they can understand. - A compact, four-color design with spiral binding and tabs: Makes the book easy to use. 0321993071 / 9780321993076 Prentice Hall Reference Guide with NEW MyWritingLab with eText -- Access Card PackagePackage consists of: 0205870147 / 9780205870141 NEW MyWritingLab with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card 0321921313 / 9780321921314 Prentice Hall Reference Guide