The Cosmic Perspective: The Solar System (8th Edition) (Bennett Science & Math Titles)
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MasteringAstronomy does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MasteringAstronomy, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
For two-semester courses in astronomy.
Teaching the Process of Science through Astronomy
Building on a long tradition of effective pedagogy and comprehensive coverage, The Cosmic Perspective: The Solar System, Eighth Edition provides a thoroughly engaging and up-to-date introduction to astronomy for non-science majors. This text offers a wealth of features that enhance student understanding of the process of science and actively engage students in the learning process for key concepts. The fully updated Eighth Edition includes the latest scientific discoveries, revises several subjects based on our most current understanding of the cosmos, and now emphasizes deeper understanding of the twists and turns of the process of science and the relevance of concepts to student’s lives.