Canon Lenses: From Snapshots to Great Shots
Lenses are a considerable investment for any photographer and require understanding their features and a making plan for purchase. You might buy several camera bodies, but quality lenses should last a lifetime!
You need a book that goes beyond the camera manuals to teach you how to select and use Canon lenses to take great shots. This guide by pro photographer Jerod Foster will help you conquer the fundamentals and capture stunning pictures.
Foster starts with the basics of using different lenses in the Canon lineup–from kit, to wide angle, to telephoto, to zoom, and more, to understand what they do and how their features affect your images. He discusses factors such as depth of field, perspective, and compression and which types of lenses are right for your style of shooting. Whether it’s portraits, landscapes, or street photography, you will have a better understanding of your equipment and understand your choices for investing in lenses.
Beautifully illustrated with large, compelling photos, this book teaches you how to take control of your photography to get the image you want every time you pick up the camera.