Exceptional Lives, Study Guide to Accompany
For courses in Introduction to Special Education, Exceptionalities, and Inclusion/Mainstreaming. Through real-life stories of children and their families, this preeminent book provides students with a comprehensive experience in special education. Long noted for its focus on inclusion, families, and partnerships, Exceptional Lives: Special Education in Today's Schools, Fifth Edition, presents a realistic look at the workings of special education as future teachers, both general and special education, will need to know. The new fifth edition includes: increased coverage of families and collaboration; a broader range of tips and strategies for teachers and different learning environments; a stronger emphasis on the core standards from the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and PRAXIS; and a brand-new, text-specific DVD of videos highlighting the people in the chapters and adults with disabilities that continues and extends the Turnbull's tradition of learning about special education through the real lives of real people living with disabilities.