Supervision in the Hospitality Industry with Answer Sheet (AHLEI) (5th Edition) (AHLEI - Hospitality Supervision / Human Resources)
Introduce students to the supervisory skills they’ll need to succeed in a hospitality career. They will be prepared to meet the expectations of management, employees, and guests. SUPERVISION IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY, 5/e features revised procedures for managing conflict; expanded information on motivation, including a discussion of on-boarding; new information on the role of technology and social media on recruiting and reference checks; new information on the costs and benefits of training; and a discussion of the use of technology for employee scheduling, including scheduling software and company intranets. This book also provides resources to help students create a professional development plan for their career.
Authors: Jack D. Ninemeier, Ph.D., CHA, CHE, and Raphael R. Kavanaugh, Ed.D., CHA