Turn Your Business Around!/Hands-On Strategies for Long-Term Survival
Struggling with a company bleeding in red ink? Don't panic and don't give up! This immensely valuable book can help you save your business' life. TURN YOUR BUSINESS AROUND! is a complete, step-by-step guide designed to help owners of small- and medium-sized businesses put their troubled companies back on the road to success. It spells out proven strategies you should follow to reverse the slide toward bankruptcy. In four action stages, you'll learn how to: Take fast measures to stabilize your current operations, maximize cash flow, and cut expenses across the board; analyze your entire operation to pinpoint exactly where your company's problems are; implement the corrective strategies necessary to return the business to profitability; and move forward with confidence, build on your company's strengths, and plan for a secure future. In addition to the four-step program, the book provides a complete case study showing how each step works in actual practice. Plus, you'll read interviews with the experts--accountants, attorneys, bankers--as they provide insight and answers to the most frequently asked "turnaround" questions. If you're looking for ways to reverse a business downturn--even a business crisis--TURN YOUR BUSINESS AROUND! could be your most important first step on the road to recovery.