This updated book offers one of the most complete, concrete student success programs in the country, with suggestions and strategies for academic success and personal improvement including goals, change, and career/life planning. Visually stunning, conversationally written, and student-tested, the book provides learners with a variety of solutions to almost any problem faced in the first year of college and beyond. Chapter-opening vignettes–inspired by students across America– contain advice from professionals in “the world of work” such as managers from General Motors, Wal-Mart, Disney, Marriott, Bank One, and Waddell and Reed. These vignettes enable readers to see strategies and success in action and in real life. Chapter topics discuss change, managing time and money, building active reading and comprehension skills, learning styles, empowering memory, critical and creative thinking skills, and much more. For anyone embarking on a college education, or interested in bettering themselves through the “self-help” genre.