Manual Drivetrains and Axles
Part of the nationally recognized Halderman/Birch Series: Birch, Manual Drivetrains and Axles, 5e provides a thorough treatment of the theory, service and diagnostic aspects of manual drivetrains in a one book format. Correlated to ASE and NATEF, it prepares readers for certification and the field using an exercise worktext, chapter quizzes and reviews. This edition includes more on hybrid vehicles, a revised chapter on 4wd service, and chapter summaries that reinforce key techniques Coverage of every aspect of the ASE certification program includes ASE-type questions at the end of each chapter and the ASE Task List for this area. Expanded manual drivetrains and axles testing, diagnosis, and service procedures reflect new tools, equipment, and service procedures. Extensive electrical electronic content for testing, diagnosis, and repair reflects the use of electrical and electronic devices. Theory chapters explain how the syste