Analytical Reading Inventory (8th Edition) with 2 CDs
Analytical Reading Inventory is a thorough diagnostic reading inventory with clear step-by-step instructions for test administration. This instrument can be used to measure the reading progress of typical, remedial, and gifted readers. The Analytical Reading Inventory comes with a Readers' Passages booklet and two CDs. One CD walks listeners through a case study, while the second CD supports students' use of a study guide packet. These CDs help them to understand how to complete each portion of the ARI to evaluate a student's reading level and performance, and why each assessment of the ARI is important. New to this edition is an alignment of the ARI tests to standards.
Audio CDs—Listening segments for learning about each test component and for practicing test administration from a live case study.
Allows users to experience a case study of reader taking the inventory, learn how to code miscues, and learn all components of an ARI session.
Instruction Manual Examiner's Record—Includes three forms of narrative passages and two forms of expository passages.
Helps users assess readers agility with a variety of oral readings, as well as listening and silent reading.
- Separate Reading Passages Book—Presents line-for-line match to the Examiner's Record—requires no copying.
Examiner's Records —In a user-friendly format made up of easy-to-fill-in grids.
Simplifies data collection and organizes information in a convenient, visually-appealing tool.
Facilitates coding of miscues, helps make it easy for examiners to follow along as the reader reads.