Automotive Fuel And Emissions Control Systems (Prentice Hall Multimedia Series In Automotive Technology)
This up-to-date comprehensive book, written by two experts in the field, covers all topics in this subject and is correlated to the ASE and NATEF Tasks Lists for the Engine Performance test (A8) and advanced-level Engine Performance test (L1). Student-friendly, it includes numerous ‘tech tips’ and ‘guru tips’ that break up the text material. All new technical terms are bolded and defined at first use. Topics include: safety, hazardous materials, engine operation and condition diagnoses, gasoline and automotive fuels, turbo/supercharging, electrical and electronic fundamentals, computer principles and operations, fuel pumps, fuel injectors, ignition systems, temperature and oxygen sensors, EVAP systems, EGR systems, catalytic converters, and more. An invaluable reference work for the automotive service technician, this book is a must-have for those taking the ASE and NATEF certification exams.