Writing Talk: Paragraphs and Short Essays With Readings
This innovative, confidence-building book is based on the assumption that people have a built-in "ear" for their language—i.e., can "hear" the patterns and rhythms that underlie speaking fluency and that fluency in writing can be developed by applying this inner "ear". It presents writing not as a totally new discipline requiring yet another set of skills, but merely a more logical and formal application of an expertise people already have—talking. A multitude of exercises, assignments, and writing suggestions give readers the opportunity to use their "inner ear" for speech to develop their writing, editing, and revising skills while building an understanding of basic grammar. Coverage includes Preparing To Write; Writing Good Paragraphs; Paragraph Strategies; Writing Good Essays; Sentence Basics; The 20 Most Common Sentence Errors; and Readings. For those interested in the writing process, grammar, and mechanics.