Protecting the Republic: The Education & Training of American Police Officers
This practical book provides an insightful, real, and detailed analysis of police education and training. Its author, James O'Keefe, successfully ran the largest police academy in the world for ten years, and comprehensively looks at the logic, structure, and actual course content police offers should be studying to effectively meet and manage the complex challenges of the 21st century. His book addresses critical issues in law enforcement education, discusses why police officers do the things they do, advocates the need of elected officials in local and state government to understand how their police officials should be educated and trained, and explains the need for a “standard of training.” KEY TOPICS Chapter topics explore the modern day American Republic, and what makes policing in a democracy so crucial to freedom and human rights; Overview the key academic subjects that should be taught in terms of police science, law, and most importantly, behavioral science; review the education and training of law enforcement supervisors, managers, and executives with a wide ranging focus on leadership; and summarize the key organizational requirements to build a law enforcement organization to sustain the American Republic in a time of legitimate public safety threats. For use by municipal police academies across the country, local and state elected officials, attorneys involved in criminal and civil litigation, Executive Development Programs in municipal police department—and the American citizens they represent and protect.