Community Policing and Problem Solving: Strategies and Practices (3rd Edition)
Authoritative and practical in perspective, this book explores the collective nationwide experience in implementing both community policing and problem-oriented policing (COOPS). It explains the processes and terms in detail—what they mean and how they are applied, as well as how they are implemented and evaluated. It explores both historical and operational perspectives, and provides examples of existing strategies and future considerations. Features case studies of how COPPS is now operational in many venues, both domestic and foreign. The Evolution of Policing. Changing People, Crime, and Policing. Community Oriented Government. Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS). Crime Prevention. Planning and Implementation. From Recruit to Chief. Training for COPPS. Police in a Diverse Society. New Strategies for Old Problems. Addressing Concerns With COPPS. Evaluating COPPS Initiatives. Selected American Approaches. COPPS Abroad. For anyone involved in law enforcement.