Capstone: Succeeding Beyond College

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Edition: 1
Released: Sep 30, 2000
Publisher: Pearson
Format: Paperback, 304 pages
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Filled with extensive examples and real-world advice from both recently-graduated students and working professionals, this text helps senior-year college students make the transition from college to the world of work more successfully. Explores the broad areas of Preparing for the Wonderful World of Work; Professional Development; and Life and Personal Enrichment. From Backpacks to Briefcases. The Job Search Plan. Completing Your Portfolio and Resume. Professional Presence. Professional Communication. The Interview. Diversity and the Workplace/Demographics. Workplace Politics and Civility. Networking and Mentors (Climbing the Ladder). Managing Committees and Meetings. Resolving Conflict. Discovering the Leader in You. Managing Your Post College Finances. Potential: What Am I Doing for The Rest of My Life? Creating Balance and Harmony in Your Life. For senior-year college students making the transition to the world of work.

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