Business English for the 21st Century
For college and business school courses in Business English and Composition. This comprehensive grammar book helps students develop a clear, concise writing style and serves as a reference for grammar and usage.* NEW - New exercises - Features sentences from current writings about business topics such as team building, electronic job posting, personal computer upgrades, and business travel. * Provides students with practical applications of grammar rules as well as insight into real world business communications. * NEW - Watching the Web segments - A collection of usage and spelling errors found on the web over the past year. * Gives students a change of pace from traditional textbook exercises by engaging them in an amusing and instructive scavenger hunt for real-life mistakes. * NEW - Restructured chapters on sentence building - One chapter now focuses on bad habits to avoid; one chapter now focuses on good habits to adopt. * Teaches students proper approaches so they become a part of everyday usage. Ex. Chapters 25 and 26 * NEW - Multimedia Study Guide on Companion Web Site and on CD-ROM. * Provides students and instructors with a complete Distance Learning Package. * NEW - Co