Introductory Circuits for Electrical And Computer Engineering
Readers benefit because the book is based on these three themes: (1) it builds an understanding of concepts based on information the reader has previously learned; (2) it helps stress the relationship between conceptual understanding and problem-solving approaches; (3) the authors provide numerous examples and problems that use realistic values and situations to give users a strong foundation of engineering practice. The book also includes a PSpice Supplement which contains problems to teach readers how to construct PSpice source files; and this PSpice Version 9.2 can be used to solve many of the exercises and problems found in the book. Topical emphasis is on the basic techniques of circuit analysis–Illustrated via a Digital-to-Analog Resistive Ladder (Chapter 2); the Flash Converter (Chapter 4); Dual Slope Analog-to-Digital Converter (Chapter 5); Effect of parasite inductance on the step response of a series RLC circuit (Chapter 6); a Two-Stage RC Ladder Network (Chapter 8); and a Switching Surge Voltage (Chapter 9). For Electrical and Computer Engineers.