Check-In Check-Out Canadian Edition
For college, career, and university courses in Hotel and Motel Management and/or Front Desk Operations, usually offered in hospitality programs.
Check-In Check-Out has been a leader in rooms management education and job-training for both two- and four-year educational institutions for over two decades. It has been used as a front-office text, an introductory text, a general resource, and a supplemental enrichment for courses in hotel accounting. Such versatility is possible because the book remains current, accurate, thorough, and professionally based. This first Canadian edition of Check-In Check-Out weighs each topic anew, matching it against the relevancy, accuracy, and importance of the times. Updated Canadian statistics and exhibits demonstrate the equally amazing growth that lodging has experienced in these past several years. Furthermore, the Canadian edition contains new material on the vibrant history of Canada's hotel industry and the impact of the importation of American hotel chains on the Canadian hotel landscape. Content has been added on Canadian success stories, such as Canadian Pacific and Four Seasons, to demonstrate the dynamic nature of the hotel industry in Canada and the foresight of its pioneers.