Three Genres: The Writing of Poetry, Fiction, and Drama (7th Edition)
Based on the author's 40 years of teaching experience and extensive publication, this time-tested, hands-on introduction to poetry, fiction, and drama writing addresses the dynamics of the creative process while providing a non-technical analysis of each genre. Each genre section is self-contained, features complete works as examples, and provides advice on how to begin writing creatively in the genre. Throughout, readers are encouraged to find their own voices as writers. Troubleshooting Guides—one for each genre considers topics that often give writers trouble. The Writing of Poetry: What Makes a Poem a Poem? Reading as the First Step. Where Poems Come From. Images. The Sound of Words. Traditional Rhythms. From Lines to Stanzas. Three-Verse Patterns. Internal Order. Varieties of Tone. Poetry: From Craft to Art. The Writing of Fiction: Facts and Fiction. Where Stories Come From. The Making of a Story. Viewpoint. Structure: From Scenes to Plot. Creating Tension. Setting. Dialogue and Thoughts. Characterization. Liberating the Imagination. Heightened Meaning: Metaphor, Symbol, and Theme. Style and Tone. Three Keys to Development: Reading, Writing, and Revising. The Writing of Drama: Drama: A Life Performance. The Dramatic Plot. Conflict. The Nonrealistic Play. Dramatic Characterization. Visual Impact. The Voices of Comedy. Dramatic Themes. Developing as a Dramatist. For anyone interested in creative writing in the genres of poetry, fiction, or drama.