Personal Computer Hardware and Troubleshooting Reference Guide
A valuable resource for any PC user, this self-paced exercise book provides hands-on experience and troubleshooting in all major hardware aspects including its microprocessor, memory, I/O systems, floppy and hard drives, CD-ROMs, display adapters, sound cards, and modems. Contains 20 targeted exercises designed to familiarize users with all vital personal computer internal operations and prepare them to cope with any question or problem they will encounter with the personal computer, its peripherals, other hardware, and controlling the hardware through the Windows operating system. Sets the stage for each exercise by examining how Joe Tekk(, a fictitious computer specialist at a fictitious company, deals with the exercise topics, then follows with Performance Objectives, Background Information, Troubleshooting Techniques, Self-Test, Familiarization Activity, Questions/Activities, and a Review Quiz. Appendices cover a wide range of more advanced microcomputer-related topics from processor architecture to hardware and software interrupts. For those interested in acquiring a strong, working knowledge of the internal operations of today's personal computers; ideal for those in the electronics, technology, and engineering industries.