Introduction to Geography: People, Places, and Environment (2nd Edition)
This up-to-date book provides a firm understanding of the geographic fundamentals behind everyday headlines. It introduces the major tools, techniques, and methodological approaches of the field, and deals honestly and provocatively with current issues. The book emphasizes both scientific and humanistic analytical skills, and demonstrates to readers that many basic principles of geography can be studied and demonstrated locally. The theme of human-environmental interaction is woven throughout the book. Chapter topics include weather and climate, landforms, the hydrosphere and biosphere; population, population increase, and migration; cultural geography; the geography of languages and religions; the human food supply; the earth's resources and environmental protection; cites and urbanization; a world of states; national paths to economic growth; and the globalization of economics and politics. For anyone who want to examine how the physical environment sets the stage upon which humans act out their lives.