Virtual Reality Excursions: With Programs in C
Make the current applications of virtual reality accessible to the PC user. The authors of Virtual Reality Excursions: With Programs in C, have developed software - the 3-D World Editor, and an Architecture Visualizer - that enable readers to create and interact with their own virtual environments. The topical coverage is extensive and focuses on a few primary application areas: 3-D CAD modeling and architectural modeling, flight simulation, and gaming.
Book includes a disk with the programs for creating your own environments, and 3-D glasses for getting the full effect of the 3-D programs.
Numerous practical applications are included, such as vehicle simulation, remote mechanical/robotic manipulation in various environments, and laparoscopic surgery simulations.
System Requirements: IBM or compatible 286 or higher with a math coprocessor and 3.5" high density disk drive. Software can run on a PC with 640K RAM and a 20 megabyte hard drive. SVGA graphics card is recommended. Code written with Borland C++ 3.1.