Introduction to Probability Models (Fourth Edition)
This best-selling reference is well-suited to those seeking to apply probability theory to phenomena in such fields as engineering, actuarial and management sciences, the physical and social sciences, and operations research. Realistic models of real-world phenomena must take into account the possibility of randomness. More often than not, quantities are not predictable, but exhibit variations that should be taken into account by the model. This is usually accomplished by allowing the model to be probabilistic in nature. Such a model is referred as a probability model. Introduction to Probability Models is a fascinating introduction to applications from diverse disciplines and an excellent introduction to a wide variety of applied probability topics. * Best-selling book by a well-known author, with over 20,000 in sales for 7th edition * Includes new examples and exercises in actuarial sciences * Contains compulsory material for Exam 3 of the Society of Actuaries Author Sheldon M. Ross is a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in statistics at Stanford University in 1968 and has been at Berkeley ever since. He has published many technical articles and textbooks in the areas of statistics and applied probability. Among his texts are A First Course in Probability, Fourth Edition published by MacMillan, Introduction to Probability Models, Fifth Edition published by Academic Press, Stochastic Processes, Second Edition published by Wiley, and a new text, Introductory Statistics published by McGraw Hill. Professor Ross is the founding and continuing editor of the journal Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences published by Cambridge University Press. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and a recipient of the Humboldt US Senior Scientist Award.