A Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World
This book represents a complete revision of the authors' previous authoritative work. It incorporates all the significant changes to bird taxonomy that have occurred over the past six years and remains the only single-volume work to list subspecies. Ornithologists are constantly reviewing and revising the scientific and common names of the world's birds--combining and dividing established species and genera. Despite the fact that opinions will continue to vary on the details of avian classification, lists such as this provide a baseline reference to scientific and English names, taxonomy, and distribution for both the professional and amateur ornithologist and taxonomist. In the next decade, new studies using advanced groupings may establish new systematic groupings. The current list, by adding to and amending the classic listing of Peters and his successors, may well be the last and most finely developed list in the traditional mold and, therefore, a prime reference for years to come.
Key Features
* The most up to date list of the world's birds
* Covers their distribution using traditional taxonomy
* The only single-volume reference to include subspecies
* Lists approximately 9,200 species and their subspecies
* Thoroughly revised and updated