The Evolution of Lateral Asymmetries, Language, Tool Use, and Intellect
On the cutting edge of neuropsychology and cognitive science, this book investigates lateral asymmetries in the human brain and contrasts these with asymmetries in invertebrates, primitive vertebrates, rats, birds, mammals and primates. Ten illustrated chapters present asymmetries in lower life forms, progress to hominoids and hominids, and discuss how such asymmetries are responsible for the development of langage, upright posture, tool use, intelligence and self-awareness in humans. Regarded as experts in their field, the authors have already received much acclaim for their previous books.
* Shows that lateralization of function occurs systematically throughout the animal kingdom and is not unique to humans
* Explains why lateralization of function depends upon a complex interplay of genetic, structural and environmental factors and is also subject to hormonal and maturational determination
* Demonstrates the close commonality between human and non-human species with respect to such hitherto uniquely human attributes as consciousness, tool use and language
* Provides an account of human evolution in the context of language, tool use, art and intellect, at the neurologicl, behvioural and archaeological levels - a new synthesis