Tropical Mexico: The Ecotravellers' Wildlife Guide (Ecotravellers Wildlife Guides)
Most Ecotravellers to southern Mexico-Cancún and the Yucatán Peninsula, Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Tabasco--want to experience tropical forests and other stunning habitats, as well as catch a glimpse of exotic wildlife, including toucans, parrots, hummingbirds, hawks, monkeys, anteaters, frogs, toads, crocodiles and snakes. In this book is all the information you need to find, identify and learn about this region's magnificent animal life. The author visited national parks and nature reserves, discussed wildlife with local and international experts as well as veteran tour leaders, and then selected for color illustrations more than 500 of the most common fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals--the species you are most likely to see. In one easy-to-carry, entertainingly written, beautifully illustrated book, you will have a constant companion on your journey.
Key Features
* Provides field guide plates of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and reef fishes
* Includes photos of typical habitats and line drawings of common plants
* Gives lists of reserves and sites to visit
* Presents up-to-date text on conservation in Mexico
* Provides identifying, location, and conservation information on the most frequently spotted animals
* Presents up-to-date information on the ecology, behavior, and conservation of the families of animals to which the pictured species belong
* Describes habitats of tropical Mexico and the most common plants you will encounter
* Includes information on the underwater animals seen by most divers and snorkelers