The Boy Grows Up: The Inspirational Story of His Journey from Broken Boy to Family Man
In Richard McCann's best selling account of his childhood, he told the harrowing story of how he and his sisters were left motherless when the Yorkshire Ripper killed his first victim, Richard's mother Wilma McCann. Just A Boy was praised for its unflinching and unsentimental account of a neglected childhood at the hands of an abusive father and uncaring authorities. The only constants in his and his sister's lives were grief for their mother and newspaper coverage of her killer and the gruesome nature of his crimes. With his book in the bestseller charts Richard sets out to make sense of his past, attempting to meet the other children of Sutcliffe's victims and discovering the secrets of the mother that was taken away from him. McCann comes to terms with the loss of his own childhood by talking to others, hearing their stories, and learning about how to accept what has happened and move on.