Multiengine Flying
"Multiengine maneuvers, systems, and aerodynamics are profoundly different from those in single-engine airplanes and, contrary to what most single-engine pilots believe, there are situations when a multiengine plane can be more - not less - dangerous than flight in a single." "First covering the fundamentals of multiengine flight, this book includes multiengine aerodynamics, takeoffs and landings, and engine-out procedures. It also includes the current FAA Multiengine Rating and Airline Transport Pilot Practical Test Standards to help prepare you for the oral and flight exams." "The new Second Edition of Multiengine Flying not only helps you reach your goal of a multiengine rating - it prepares you for making sound, in-flight decisions that prevent problems and even accidents."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved