MP iHealth (text and Connect Plus): An Interactive Framework
iHealth: An Interactive Framework is a new kind of health learning system — an integrated print-digital learning system designed to meet the needs of today’s students and instructors. iHealth is composed of two essential components:
A brief text that provides a guiding framework for teaching key personal health concepts in a limited amount of time. The book is organized into three key areas: Health Behaviors, Health Risks and Consequences, and Consumer Health. These personal health essentials are what students use to practice healthier behaviors, avoid the consequences of unhealthy behaviors, and to be critical consumers of health information and health care.
iHealth is also an online homework system that offers a library of 66 current readings that enable instructors to focus on and integrate those special topics, themes, and perspectives that are most important to them personally, whether the environment, diversity, genetics, globalization, mind / body, technology, consumerism, or culture. The online readings are drawn primarily from mainstream media (newspapers, magazines, reliable Internet sites) and scientific journals. They have been chosen for their relevance to students’ lives and for their ability to promote behavior change.
Note - The iHealth mandatory package above includes the print book and Connect Plus (access to the eBook version of iHealth for one semester)