ISE Music in Theory and Practice Volume 1
The workbooks to accompany Music in Theory and Practice, Volumes 1 and 2, provide assignments to augment those printed in the text; anthologies of music for study; strategies for learning and reviewing material; and self-testing sections to help students prepare for exams.
Three different types of assignments help students master the course material: Drill assignments provide practice of the basic material in the corresponding chapter in the text; Analysis assignments acquaint students with music literature, allowing them to view chapter material in its actual setting; and Composition exercises encourage students to try their own hands at employing musical ideas, chord progressions, phrase relationships, and so on, in the context of a musical composition.
Selected Workbook exercises are available in Finale templates though the Online Learning Center, and each new copy of the Volume 1 workbook comes with a discount code for purchase of Finale notation software at a special low price.