Advanced Algebra
The UCSMP Third Edition curriculum emphasizes problem solving, everyday applications, and the use of technology and reading, while developing and maintaining basic skills. UCSMP Advanced Algebra emphasizes facility with algebraic expressions and forms, especially linear and quadratic forms, powers and roots, and functions based on t hese concepts. Students study logarithmic, trigonometric, polynomial, and other special functions both for their abstract properties and as tools for modeling real-world situations. A geometry course or its equal is a prerequisite, as geometric ideas are utilized throughout. Technology for graphing and CAS technology is assumed to be available to students. Advanced Algebra can be used following any standard geometry course. Students who have studied UCSMP Geometry before this course tend to be better prepared for the transformation and coordinate geometry they will need in this course. Students who have studied UCSMP Advanced Algebra are prepared for courses commonly found at the senior level, including trigonometry and precalculus courses. View a sample lesson from the Teacher's Edition of this program by clicking here.