Management of Telecommunications 2/e w/ NetViz CD
Rather than solely concentrating on the technology of telecommunications, Carr and Snyder's The Management of Telecommunications: Business Solutions to Business Problems 2/e caters more to the needs of today's business students. Management Of Telecommunications is the ideal textbook for exposing students to all facets of being a telecommunications end-user. It stresses the importance of the managerial decision-making side of telecommunications by applying the use of an integrated continuing case to illustrate key concepts and show the decision process. This book will provide business students with the technical vocabulary, technical understanding, and decision-making ability necessary to be an effective business telecommunications manager.
Students using Carr and Snyder's book will lead the decision-making process by having an understanding of technology tradeoffs in relation to costs, marketing, customer service, and competition. Students will learn how telecommunications and telecommunications-intensive information systems, in particular, are part of the strategic, tactical, and operational decision processes of an organization.