Read On 2 High Beginning Student Book
The entertaining reading series for beginning-level ESL students that uses short, believe-it-or-not, real-life stories to stimulate vocabulary acquisition and build reading comprehension.
Read On is a new reading series designed for beginning and high-beginning level ESL students. Each book in the series features 20 short, stimulating reading passages on high-interest topics such as a hotel that’s 21 feet below the ocean, a woman who lived in a tree, how twin brothers fell in love with twin sisters, and blind people who use seeing-eye horses.
Each reading contains vital, high-frequency vocabulary that is recycled throughout the chapters in each book. This gives students a chance to see new vocabulary a number of times and in a variety of contexts. Teachers and students will also enjoy the self-standing format of the series. They can either select chapters according to need and interest or systematically work through each book.
--Tie It Together activities-- students use graphic organizers to synthesize information from the previous two chapters.
--Just for Fun activities – students practice spelling and word other.
--Go Online activities--students Internet search skills.