The Intersection of Cultures: Multicultural Education in the United States and the Global Economy
Designed to be used in any course devoted wholly or partly to the study of multicultural education in the United States, this text provides a unique theme (intersecting cultures) from which to look at multicultural education issues. Its ongoing use of a few organizing concepts permits in-depth analysis for social foundations and multicultural education courses. The book provides a comprehensive study of the intersections of the dominant U.S. culture, the culture of economic opportunity, dominated cultures, immigrant cultures, school culture, racism, sexism, social class, multicultural curricula, and instructional methods in the United States and the global economy. Spring's study of cultures is filled with rich examples of the lives of the many cultural groups living in the United States. The author uses a problem-posing style that helps students think critically about issues of multiculturalism. Each chapter ends with a section on personal reflections, which is designed to help students relate multiculturalism to their own lives. The third edition contains a wealth of new topics designed to make the revision a comprehensive survey of multiculturalism and of proposed solutions to issues surrounding multicultural education in the United States.