Financial Accounting: A Business Perspective
As one of the best selling financial principles textbooks over the past 20 years, Financial Accounting: A Business Perspective, 8th Edition continues to provide students in the first financial accounting course an understanding of how to use accounting information to analyze business performance and make business decisions. We use annual reports of exciting real-life companies such as The Limited to illustrate many of the accounting concepts.
The 8th Edition has two important features distinguishing it from other traditional principles of financial accounting texts:
An accounting recruiting focus
Ancillary materials written by the textbook authors
Enrollment in the accounting option is declining nationwide. Studies have shown that many students choose the accounting option based on their experience in the accounting principles courses. In the 8th edition, Financial Accounting: A Business Perspective takes an active recruiting focus. Backgrounds on careers in accounting are provided at the beginning of every chapter stressing the importance and versatility of an accounting degree.
The ancillary materials are written entirely by the authors. This significantly reduces confusing or inconsistent test questions, homework solutions, or instructor resource materials ensuring a more seamless learning experience for students. Ancillary materials available for the 8th edition of Financial Accounting: A Business Perspective include: test bank, solutions manual, instructor resource manual, and student study guide.