Oracle8i Certified Professional DBO Certification Exam Guide (Book/CD-ROM package)
The DBO track represents an "Oracle For The Masses" initiative in that getting certified requires only one exam. This comparatively low cost of entry translates into high book sales potential to Windows NT or NetWare professionals who may have heard of Oracle but know little or nothing about it.
-- Over 200,000 IT professionals have obtained an MCSE or CNE. According to analysis by Oracle and Sylvan Prometric, these people show a high comfort level with taking certification exams. Oracle anticipates the DBO track is a way to tap into this market for a demand that may exceed its already successful DBA certification program, similar in style to the Cisco CCNA certification track, which is currently enjoying a fair amount of popularity.
-- As with most of the OCP tracks, no title currently exists from any publisher that covers this DBO market. Osborne/Oracle Press released two highly successful books covering test preparation for the DBA and Application