CISCO: A Beginner's Guide
Get a running start on your Cisco future. If you're new to networking in general or Cisco hardware in particular, you need a plain-speaking introduction to Cisco- driven internetworking to make sense of its powerful connectivity solutions and your opportunities as a Cisco professional. Before you purchase a single study guide, let Cisco: A BeginnerAEs Guide, by Tom Shaughnessy, give you a concise, fundamental understanding of all things "Cisco". You'll quickly get comfortable with: *The basics of Cisco technology u hardware, internetworking fundamentals, and protocols *Cisco internetworking tools u basic hardware configuration for the most popular Cisco devices, routers, switches, and hubs *Designing Cisco networks; how to specify and configure a network using Cisco hardware and software *Examples of network layouts - ready-to-apply designs for small, medium, and large organizations *Much more