Oca/Ocp Oracle Database 11g All-in-one Exam Guide: Exam 1z0-051, 1z0-052, and 1z0-053
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A Fully Integrated Study System for OCA Exams 1Z0-051 and 1Z0-052, and OCP Exam 1Z0-053
Prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Administration I and SQL Fundamentals I exams and the Oracle Certified Professional Administration II exam with help from this exclusive Oracle Press guide. In each chapter, you'll find challenging exercises, practice questions, and a two-minute drill to highlight what you've learned. This authoritative guide will help you pass the test and serve as your essential on-the-job reference. Get complete coverage of all objectives for exams 1Z0-051, 1Z0-052, and 1Z0-053, including:
- Instance management
- Networking and storage
- Security
- Oracle Recovery Manager and Oracle Flashback
- Oracle Automatic Storage Management
- Resource manager
- Oracle Scheduler
- Automatic workload repository
- Performance tuning
- And more
On the CD-ROM:
- Three full practice exams
- Detailed answers and explanations
- Score report performance assessment tool
- Complete electronic book
- Three bonus exams available with free online registration