Harrison's Endocrinology
Everything You Would Expect from Harrison's -- and more!
"This is a thorough review of major topics in endocrinology, encompassing many "bread and butter" aspects of the field including pituitary, thyroid, and bone diseases as well as diabetes, obesity, and endocrine tumors. Reproductive endocrinology is also addressed....This is an excellent overview of endocrine disease for students, residents, or fellows with a particular interest in endocrinology. It is also suitable for general internists who would like to hone their knowledge in endocrinology. The author writes that the book is intended for both students of medicine and practicing physicians, an appropriate audience."--Doody's Review Service
Featuring the contents of the Endocrinology section of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 16th Edition -- enhanced with important updates, new and annotated references, new illustrations, and self-assessment/exam review Questions and Answers -- this next-generation resource is perfect for the backpack, the wards, and in all clinical situations. Also great for students!
The book offers ease of use, the expertise of renowned editors and contributors, Harrison's famed coverage of disease mechanisms, invaluable guidelines for ensuring diagnostic accuracy, and state-of-the-art treatment strategies.
Harrison's Endocrinology delivers: