Big Home, Big Challenge: Design Solutions for Larger Spaces
Beautiful, informative, and inspirational, this book answers the challenge of how to turn any large space into a warm, inviting home rich with personal style. While many people want large living spaces, few realize the challenges they present--such as high ceilings, long hallways, and double-height rooms--until they're face-to-face with them. This well-illustrated resource (200 full-color photographs) is packed with expert tips and techniques on how to meet the challenges of a large space. Readers will find solutions, advice, and resources from celebrated interior designers, architects, furniture specialists, contractors, and other design professionals on: * The big space challenge--answers common questions such as: How much will it cost? How long will it take? Who will I need to hire? * Design and size in relation to the human figure * Dividing and defining space by function * Paint and wallpaper * Furniture selection * Choosing and arranging art and accessories * Lighting The author also includes a valuable Frequently Asked Questions section, as well as resource information for everything from furniture to flooring and lighting.