More Best Answers to the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions
Picking up where his bestseller (over 55,000 sold) 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions left off, Matthew DeLuca along with Nanette DeLuca take job seekers to the next level of job-search effectiveness by arming them with more valuable lessons, tips, and rules for acing any interview. Emphasizing the interpersonal aspects of the interview process, they draw on their unique experiences as job placement professionals to provide powerful insights into what interviewers look for in a job seeker and how to give it to them. Organized around question categories for quick-reference, and packed with real-life success stories and the candid observations of job placement professionals, this book tells readers what they need to know about: - How to stand out from the rest and get an interview - Understanding the rationale behind different types of questions - Fielding “curve balls,” stress producers, and illegal questions - Mastering the virtual interview