Physics 11
McGraw-Hill Ryerson Physics 11 is a dynamic new program researched and written for the Ontario Physics, Grade 11 University Preparation course. With its highly visual design and the integration of exciting new Canadian information related to physics research, careers, and technological innovation, students will be motivated to understand the impact of physics on society and the environment.
- An entirely new resource for grade 11 Physics, written by an experienced team of excellent physics educators
- A problem solving model that will stimulate students to think through the concepts and not just "plug numbers into formulas"
- A wide variety of practice problems that not only help the student learn the principles, but to see how physics problems relate to other sciences and to everyday experience
- STSE integrated throughout the textbook will help students understand the relevance of the topics investigated
- Visually attractive four-colour textbook, with easy to follow illustrations, that will appeal to students and help clarify the explanation of concepts
- Available in French from Cheneliere/McGraw-Hill to allow bilingual and French Immersion schools to use the same resource
0070893578 Student e-book
007089647X Teacher's Resource with CD-ROM
0070896070 Lab and Problems Manual CD-ROM
0070895120 Lab and Problems Manual Print
0070896089 Solutions Manual CD-ROM
0070895139 Solutions Manual Print
0070886938 Presentation Tools
0070886946 Computerized Assessment Bank (Windows and MAC)