Intermediate Algebra
The focus of this series by Hutchison and Hoelzle is to make students proficient in algebra while becoming better problem solvers. To accomplish this goal, the authors emphasize conceptual understanding. They ask students to think critically, to explore and explain concepts in writing, and to extend their understanding through group activities. The environmental essays that open each chapter connect algebra to real world problem solving and can be used to stimulate class discussions and promote collaborative learning. Functions and graphing are introduced early (Chapter Three) and are then integrated throughout the rest of the text. This approach allows for visual interpretation of the mathematical concepts, which in turn encourages students to develop an intuitive understanding of equations and their graphs. Also by introducing these topics early, students become familiar and comfortable with concepts that are critical to their success in future math courses. Intermediate Algebra includes marginal notes and examples that indicate how technology can enhance the study of algebra through exploration, visualization, and geometric interpretation. These examples fall at the end of section discussions and may be omitted if a graphing tool is not being used. The text is written in a clear, concise style with numerous examples which are connected by thoughtful transitions that either reinforce the student's understanding of the previous concepts or prepare them for the next example. Each example is followed by a "Check Yourself' exercise that facilitates the student's active involvement in the learning process.