American Education
American Education - now in its eighth edition - continues its mission of providing a fresh, concise, and up-to-date introduction to the historical, political, social, and legal foundations of education and to the profession of teaching. Like previous editions, this one is notable for the way it challenges students and engages them in analysis and critical thinking about the role and purposes of schooling in American society. American Education's critical and broad scope make it an ideal text for beginning and advanced study of today's schools. In addition to a new Guide to Web Sites in Education, new sections include: Should There Be Public Goals for Education?, The Purposes of Education in a Global Economy, and Political Attitudes and Education (chapter 1); Teacher Education in a Global Economy, Control Through Testing, National Licensing (INTASC), National Certification, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, Should Teachers Be Trained to "Teach to the Test"? (chapter 2); The NEA and the AFT Today (chapter 3); The Recent Struggle for Equal Education for Women (chapter 5); and Evolution and Creationism, Parents' Rights (chapter 11).