Teaching Children Science: A Project-Based Approach
This brand-new elementary science methods text uses an innovative applied approach and is authored by three leaders in the field. The text takes a constructivist approach and practices this approach by engaging students in reflective thought and investigations.
Project-based science engages young learners in exploring authentic, important, and meaningful questions of real concern to students. Through a dynamic process of investigation and collaboration and using the same processes and technologies that real scientists use, students work in teams to formulate questions, make predictions, design investigations, collect and analyze data, make products and share ideas. Students learn fundamental science concepts and principles that they apply to their daily lives. Project-based science helps all students regardless of culture, race, or gender engage in science learning.
The book is packed with numerous examples so that the reader can easily understand points that are made throughout the book. Each chapter has activity boxes with experiments that exemplify the project-based approach. The book provides useful tips, charts, diagrams, and tables that illustrate how to get children doing investigations. The text's dynamic teaching methods match all of today's major science education reports including The National Science Education Standards, Project 2061: Science for All Americans, and Benchmarks for Science Literacy.