Contents: Elementary Electrical Principles; Electrical Systems; Substations; Transmission Circuits; Distribution Circuits; Construction Specifications; Wood-Pole Structures; Aluminum, Concrete, Fiberglass, Steel, and PolySil Structures; Locating and Staking Line; Unloading and Hauling Wood Poles; Erecting and Setting Poles; Guying Poles; Insulators; Line Conductors; Distribution Transformers; Lightning and Surge Protection; Fuses; Switches; Voltage Regulators; Transmission Tower Erection; Stringing Line Conductors; Sagging Line Conductors; Joining Line Conductors; Live-Line Maintenance from Insulated Aerial Platforms; Grounding; Protective Grounds; Street Lighting; Underground Systems; Laying Conduit; Manhole Construction; Pulling Cable; Splicing Cable; Underground Distribution; Tree Trimming; Distributor-Transformer Installation; Electrical Drawing Symbols; Single Line Diagrams; Schematic Diagrams; Voltage Regulation; Electrical Formulas and Calculation; Maintenance of Transmission and Distribution Circuits; Rope, Knots, Splices, and Gear; Use and Care of Pole-Climbing Equipment; Protective Equipment; Safety Rules; Resuscitation; Heart-Lung Resuscitation; Pole- Top and Bucket-Trunk Rescue; Self-Testing Questions and Exercises. A complete revision of the world's largest "field manual" for linemen, cablemen, foremen, and anyone else working with electrical power systems. 1,500 illustrations.
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