Cross-Check: Integrating Building Systems and Working Drawings
Incomplete or uncoordinated working drawings can lead to confusion on a job site, higher project costs, even lawsuits. In an ingenious companion guide to his ArchitectÕs Portable Handbook, which gave "first-step rules of thumb for building design," Pat Guthrie helps you make certain such errors never happen. Cross-Check features a unique, easy-to-use matrix system that, when applied, ensures nothing is missing from your plans and every step is taken to assure coordination between drawings and project specs. This portable field guide includes samples of how to use the matrix useful in the design stage and when creating working drawings...alerts you to common errors in such drawings...covers new construction, renovation, exteriors, interiors, and sites...creates a project "paper trail" to minimize the possibility of lawsuits...and can be used anywhere because it transcends U.S. construction practices.